Recently, I obtained this nice clean image of Covina Union High School in its prime. It's from the same source as the photo of Citrus Avenue in 1930 that I posted here last month, so I'm guessing both shots were taken by the same unknown photographer, and maybe even on the same day.

Covina Union High School, 1930. Click image to enlarge.
The more-or-less contemporaneous view below features Science Hall (left): an addition to the campus which was completed in May, 1925.1 While classes in Chemistry, Physics and Biology were taught therein, so were a variety of other subjects, including English, History, Civics, Spanish and French, Music, Art, and what today we would call Home Economics. On the second floor were a lecture hall, library and museum devoted specifically to the natural sciences.1 A new school cafeteria was also located in Science Hall.

Photo by Tucker Studio. Click image to enlarge.
In the early Twenties, when expansion of the high school was first being discussed, a second wing similar to Science Hall was proposed for the north side of the main building.2 However, bond issues to fund the project were repeatedly rejected by voters, and the three-building plan was finally abandoned in 1936.2,3

1 Covina Argus, May 8, 1925, p.1.
2 Covina Argus, March 26, 1931, p.1.
3 Covina Argus, October 23, 1936, p.1.