Recently added this Kodachrome transparency to my Covina ephemera collection. It's likely one of the last photos ever taken of the old Covina Union High School building on Citrus at Puente before it was demolished.

Click image for an enlargement.
If you look closely, you can see several windows have been broken, and even though the place was abandoned at this time, the grass looks like it's still being mowed regularly.
Note the date impressed on the slide: AUG 61.

The gymnasium of the old high school was burned down by child arsonists on the night of June 10, 1962. It was a spectacular fire. We could see the flames all the way from our house in the Covina hills. The Pasadena Independent reported that the presence of over a thousand spectators on the surrounding streets hampered efforts to contain the blaze. The entire campus was subsequently sold, razed and redeveloped.