I am shocked and saddened to learn that fellow historian Glenn Reed passed away suddenly earlier today. One of the last native Covinans born in the 1920s, he lived in the same house on San Bernardino Road for all his 92 years.
After corresponding with Glenn in email since I began this blog, I met him in person for the first time only 37 days ago. He gave me a personal tour of his labor-of-love scale model of historical Covina: an honor I'd looked forward to for years. I was due to return to Los Angeles this very week, and was looking forward to visiting him again to continue our conversation we'd barely begun on February 28, but fate determined that was not to be.
A few photos from my all-too-brief visit:

Glenn Reed's personal homage to his home town and its history.

Mr. Reed introducing me to his miniature world, February 28, 2021.

Model of the Grammar School and Covina's first High School from the San Bernardino Road side.

Just look at the detail here. Mr. Reed told me he wouldn't have been able to complete this model of Mountain View without my assistance.

Glenn Reed on his back stoop, just as I remember him. Photo courtesy Marty Getz.
I'm still trying to process this news. Glenn was a good friend and colleague–a primary inspiration for my work here–and I don't know at this point how I'm going to be able to continue this blog without him.